About Me

Hey, Good Afternoon...
I am Kenil Sudani, and I hail from a quaint village in southern Gujarat, India.

I've been in love with computers and tech ever since my Dad got me a PC when I was 10. I used to rock games all day and night on an AMD Athlon 2.

Fast forward to 2014 when I got to access to internet, I used to do stuff on Microsoft Office's tools, doing this and that.

Fast forward once again in 2020 when I got my first Laptop, while pursuing a bachelors' degree, I started learning ML with Python, Java, C++ and what not. Started watching and learning anything which came on my way.

Joined as an Intern at Genxel in mid 2022 while pursuing my Masters. read more

Later on, moving forward I changed company and joined Coderthemes. read more


What I Use



Front End Developer & Staff Engineer

2023-2024/Coderthemes Design LLP

What I used: Typescript, React, NextJs, Angular, Vue, NuxtJs, Laravel, Django, Sveltekit, NodeJs, Tailwindcss, Bootstrap, Linux

The place where I acquired extensive knowledge of Typescript, Angular, Vue, Design Patterns, SOLID principles, Linux, while honing my ability to write quality code. Additionally I also learned a crucial lesson: "Devs can often resolve issues independently, by Googling and with a little bit of luck".
Also got tons of life lessons from my Boss every time I was hanging out with him on weekends.

As a Part Time PM, I was responsible for ensuring that all employees are working at their peak efficiency. Over time, I identified and encountered numerous time-consuming/repetitive tasks which could be optimized or automated. For eg. I wrote a script to automate a task which used to take a whole day for 1 person while being error prone, which is now reduced to mere seconds without any errors.
These improvements were well-recognized, and I was personally appreciated by my Boss for the above😁.

Full Stack Developer

2022-2023/Genxel Technology

What I used: React, NextJs, React Native, NodeJs, Bootstrap, Sanity, MySQL

The place where I sowed the seeds of my development career while learning all kind of cool stuff from Youtube and people around me. The place which gave an opportunity to someone who knew nothing about development and provided training wheels. As an Intern I converted company's website to Nextjs😎🚬. I also got to see what a good mentor looks like (my Boss).